Category Archive: Posts by Finish

Nov 06 2015

Making Valances for Our Bedroom Windows

Over on ToolGuyd, I reviewed the Woodpeckers X-Mat Deluxe kit 1. One of the projects I used the X-Mat system for was to make some valances for our bedroom. In the summer, it is really hard to sleep past 6 am in the morning because the sun comes out and is very bright in …

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Jul 22 2015

Finishing a Rustic Cherry Mirror

When I reviewed the DelVe square for ToolGuyd, I started to build a mirror frame using the square. I never showed the final steps and the finished product because it wasn’t relevant to the review. So this post takes over where that post …

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Jul 06 2015

Filling a Finish Can with Marbles

While I was talking to the guy at Woodcraft about how to make a better bathroom cup, I also talked to him about why I had such bad luck with General Finishes Arm-R-Seal in the past. One thing he said I could try …

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Jul 06 2015

New Bathroom Cup

A few years ago I made a small bathroom cup on my lathe. I turned it from a glued up block of maple, purple heartwood, and walnut. The cup lasted me about a year and a half and then the glue failed. I had used Titebond to glue the blank together …

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Jun 28 2015

Color Coded Shop Outlets

  A few years ago I remembered reading on the Penultimate Workshop that Dyami Plotke color coded his outlets to avoid putting to many machines on the same circuit. I always thought this was a great idea, but never got around to implementing it. While I don’t blow a lot of breakers anymore because …

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Feb 26 2015

Making a Cornice out of Crown Molding

When we replaced the exterior windows and doors in our family room, I trimmed the door out with a fluted casing and a cornice made out of crown molding. Now that we remodeled our family room, I wanted to trim out the double doors into the …

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Feb 18 2015

Treehouse Bed

My son’s treehouse bed is possibly the largest, most complex project I have attempted. It took over a year to complete. After planning and partially building this project, I discovered the finished pieces wouldn’t fit out the door. This set me back several months as I tried to …

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Jan 29 2015

Adding a Mouse Door to Some Baseboard

You’d think my main reason for installing a mouse door in the baseboard was to add a bit of whimsy to our family room addition. You might be partially right, but my real motivation starts with trying to lay baseboard in my kitchen. A few years ago, when I …

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Jan 01 2015

Matching Pine Trim to Oak

To trim out the family room, we choose red oak colored with Minwax natural wood stain. The story would end here, but I also needed to match some pine picture rail to this trim. After shopping around, the only picture rail I could source locally came in pine. Now you …

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Dec 12 2014

Pass Through Window

Remodeling is a runaway train. First we just wanted to get rid of the old shag carpet in our family room and replace it with a laminate floor. Then my wife said we should paint the ceiling to get rid of the black rafter outlines. Before you know it, we’re painting …

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