Category Archive: Lathe

Jul 06 2015

New Bathroom Cup

A few years ago I made a small bathroom cup on my lathe. I turned it from a glued up block of maple, purple heartwood, and walnut. The cup lasted me about a year and a half and then the glue failed. I had used Titebond to glue the blank together …

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Jan 26 2013

Turning With Carpet Tape

Since I don’t own a 3 or 4 jaw chuck, usually when I turn bowls I need to leave enough material to attach the work piece to the face place with short screws. A while ago I had an hour to kill in my shop, so I decided to try turning a project …

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Oct 11 2012

Offset Turning

A few months ago I rewatched an episode of the Woodwright’s Shop where Roy Underhill made some oval handles using offset turning. At the time I thought this is something I’d to try on my lathe. So when I needed drawer pulls for my table saw cart, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to give …

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Jul 19 2012

Topping Off The Experiment

Not being one to leave well enough alone, I decided to make a top for the experimental finger bowel. Actually making a top let me try a few different skills where I need improvement: matching woods and turning to a fixed diameter. I chose to make the …

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Jul 17 2012

Turning End Grain

Most bowl turning banks I’ve seen are cut in such a way that you hollow the face grain to make the bowl. I’m not sure if they are sold like that because end grain turning is supposed to be more difficult or if maybe the mills just take the scraps from longer boards and …

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Jun 18 2012

Turning Some More Glue-Ups

I decided it was either time to either throw away part of my growing pile of scrap wood or make something with it. Since I have a hard time parting with toothpicks, my only option was to make something. I’ve had good luck contrasting purple heartwood with maple, so laminating a turning …

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Jun 12 2012

If At First You Do Suceed, Fail, Fail Again

I thought making bracelets was easy, I guess I just got lucky the first time. I made my first bracelet out of Peruvian walnut. I started from a 1/2″ thick square blank, cut out the hole in the middle with a 2-1/2″ hole saw, and cut off the corners to make …

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Apr 20 2012

Lathe Tool Handle

Before I bought my lathe, I made a deal with a friend that if he made me some insert turning tool shafts, I’d give him the free bed extension that came with the lathe. He had access to tool steel and a metal shop and I really didn’t see myself turning anything …

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Apr 18 2012

Tops, Three Different Ones

I was watching a video by George Vondriska about using CA for turning and saw him turning a top on the lathe. I thought this would be a cool project to try. So the other day when I cut some blanks out of 8/4 ash for some handles, I …

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Apr 02 2012

Toothbrush Holder

We needed a new toothbrush holder. Our old one, a clear plastic tube with duckies floating in a mysterious blue liquid, was leaking. Also with it’s tiny holes, it just couldn’t hold the thicker handle toothbrushes that my children use sometimes use. I thought, “I could actually make a something useful on …

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