Category Archive: Poplar

Sep 04 2012

Cookie Cutter Rack

My wife has taken cutting the crusts off my kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to a whole new level: she uses cookie cutters to cut the sandwiches into shapes. This means that rather than storing the cookie cutters away in a drawer somewhere and only pulling them out every once in a while, the …

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Dec 20 2011

Making a Wooden Ball Joint

My wife and bought an Android tablet to replace the small TV in the kitchen that was taking up so much counter space. Of course the space saving part depended on mounting the tablet under the cabinet. While there are several good tablet mounts available for $20 to $40 on …

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Nov 16 2011

Completed Flat Cars

Once I was satisfied with the prototype flat car, I wanted to make a whole mess of them at once — nine in fact. I decided to create a few jigs to make production go more smoothly. I built the first jig for cutting out the wheels. It solved …

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