

Sep 04 2012

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Cookie Cutter Rack

New Cookie Cutter Rack

My wife has taken cutting the crusts off my kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to a whole new level: she uses cookie cutters to cut the sandwiches into shapes. This means that rather than storing the cookie cutters away in a drawer somewhere and only pulling them out every once in a while, the cutters are used on a daily basis necessitating their storage close to the sandwich ingredients. We used to just store them in an old Tupperware container, but over the years the kids have requested so many different shapes, the container was overflowing. Of course we could have just used a bigger container, but that would take more precious shelf space.

Old way of storing cookie cutters

I thought if I could get the cookie cutters hanging inside the cabinet that would use some of theĀ unusedĀ space above the shelf and clear up more room for storage. So using some scraps I had in my shop, some poplar dowels, 1″ hardwood spheres, and some leftover 3/4″ poplar, I made a rack for hanging the cookie cutters. After I tested out my design, it turned out that the cookie cutters hung too low inside the cabinet and took up all the usable space below it — taking up even more space then before.

So having a large amount of unused space under the cabinets, I decided to mount the cookie cutter rack there. I’ve just left the wood bare for now because I’m still evaluating if this rack will work for us.

Permanent link to this article: https://workshop.electronsmith.com/content/cookie-cutter-rack/