It happens to all of us, you start a project, something more important comes around, and you forget about the first project for a while. I started gluing up a checkerboard in March, then something came up and I ended up leaving the finished glue-up sitting flat on my bench for about a week. When I …
Category Archive: Posts by Material
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Sep 04 2012
Cookie Cutter Rack
My wife has taken cutting the crusts off my kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to a whole new level: she uses cookie cutters to cut the sandwiches into shapes. This means that rather than storing the cookie cutters away in a drawer somewhere and only pulling them out every once in a while, the …
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Jul 27 2012
Wooden Wallet
About a month ago Stuart over at ToolGuyd posted the Slim Timber Wood Wallet. Since the wallet sold for $45 and it looked like a simple thing to create, he wondered what the best way of making a DIY version would be. I thought about it for a while …
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Jul 26 2012
Wooden Engine Garage (Sodor Steamworks)
My son has amassed quite a few engines in the few short years he’s had his wooden train table. The problem is that there just isn’t enough track to play with all of them, so they end up all over the table and floor. He has a garage that is attached to a round house, …
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Jul 19 2012
Topping Off The Experiment
Not being one to leave well enough alone, I decided to make a top for the experimental finger bowel. Actually making a top let me try a few different skills where I need improvement: matching woods and turning to a fixed diameter. I chose to make the …
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Jul 17 2012
Turning End Grain
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Jul 10 2012
Heart Shaped Necklace Holder
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Jun 19 2012
Drill Press Work Holder
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Jun 18 2012
Turning Some More Glue-Ups
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Jun 12 2012
If At First You Do Suceed, Fail, Fail Again
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