Category Archive: Posts by Material

Jan 29 2015

Adding a Mouse Door to Some Baseboard

You’d think my main reason for installing a mouse door in the baseboard was to add a bit of whimsy to our family room addition. You might be partially right, but my real motivation starts with trying to lay baseboard in my kitchen. A few years ago, when I …

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Jan 02 2015

Making a Baby Gate Puppy Proof

Baby gates are designed to keep babies out of trouble, not to keep a 50 pound German Shepard puppy at bay. Even the staying power of this heavy duty gate was only as good as its friction fit, which due to the chair rail in the way wasn’t very good at …

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Jan 01 2015

Matching Pine Trim to Oak

To trim out the family room, we choose red oak colored with Minwax natural wood stain. The story would end here, but I also needed to match some pine picture rail to this trim. After shopping around, the only picture rail I could source locally came in pine. Now you …

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Dec 12 2014

Pass Through Window

Remodeling is a runaway train. First we just wanted to get rid of the old shag carpet in our family room and replace it with a laminate floor. Then my wife said we should paint the ceiling to get rid of the black rafter outlines. Before you know it, we’re painting …

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Jan 31 2013

New Wooden Wallet

As of the last wooden wallet post, I was waiting for inspiration on how to hold the cards and cash at the same time. Last Fall, inspiration finally did come from the weirdest place: window hardware. I had been looking for some spring steel and I found what are called window controls. Window controls are springs …

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Jan 26 2013

Turning With Carpet Tape

Since I don’t own a 3 or 4 jaw chuck, usually when I turn bowls I need to leave enough material to attach the work piece to the face place with short screws. A while ago I had an hour to kill in my shop, so I decided to try turning a project …

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Oct 11 2012

Offset Turning

A few months ago I rewatched an episode of the Woodwright’s Shop where Roy Underhill made some oval handles using offset turning. At the time I thought this is something I’d to try on my lathe. So when I needed drawer pulls for my table saw cart, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to give …

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Oct 09 2012

Table Saw Cart: Inlet Plug

The cord on my table saw is always getting in the way. Since it comes out underneath the left side of the saw and I usually plug the table saw in on the front right side, the cord is lying at my feet when I’m using the saw — a real workshop hazard. Also since …

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Sep 19 2012

Table Saw Cart: Stationary And Mobile Base

Originally I had just planned to use locking castors on the base of the table saw cart, but after I actually mounted the castors, I immediately ran into two problems. Since this cart is much lighter than my previous cart, it wanted to slide around the floor when I was using it. …

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Sep 15 2012

Table Saw Cart: The Carcass

Since I can buy a whole stick of 8′ of “quality” grade 1×4 pine for less than I can buy 1 board foot of any other material, I decided to make the carcass of the table saw stand using pine and 1/4″ plywood. Yes, pine is a softer wood, but I’m not …

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