As of the last wooden wallet post, I was waiting for inspiration on how to hold the cards and cash at the same time. Last Fall, inspiration finally did come from the weirdest place: window hardware. I had been looking for some spring steel and I found what are called window controls. Window controls are springs …
Category Archive: Padauk
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Jul 27 2012
Wooden Wallet
About a month ago Stuart over at ToolGuyd posted the Slim Timber Wood Wallet. Since the wallet sold for $45 and it looked like a simple thing to create, he wondered what the best way of making a DIY version would be. I thought about it for a while …
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Jul 10 2012
Heart Shaped Necklace Holder
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Jun 18 2012
Turning Some More Glue-Ups
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Jun 12 2012
If At First You Do Suceed, Fail, Fail Again
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